REACH & CLP Workshop For Fertilizers Industry
Date: 4 October 2019
KEY Topics:
The event is open only to members and participation to the Workshop is free of charge.
Webinar date: 27 February 2018
Time: 13:00 – 13:45 CET
Use maps for fertilizers & environmental exposure assessment
Fertilizers Europe is delighted to announce a webinar presenting our new website REACH for fertilizers and the Fertilizers Environmental Exposure tool (FEE tool). A spreadsheet-based FEE tool has been developed together with related documents, to support registrants, formulators and downstream users in providing greater consistency and harmonised information on the safe use of fertilizers exposure and risk assessment for soil, sediment and surface waters of fertilizers. With the FEE tool, you can assess the environmental exposure of environmentally classified substances in fertilizer use. Today’s focus is in the assessment of Manganese, Zinc and Copper substances.
The event is open to both members and non-members and participation to the webinar is free of charge. You can register here.
A detailed Agenda will be sent only to the registrants to the webinar.
We hope you will enjoy our new REACH site and FEE tool! For any information or questions, please contact
Leondina Della Pietra, Fertilizers Europe
Sabine Navis, ARCHE Consulting
Reetta Puska, Yara
Agenda : click here
Presentations and recording of the webinar: click here
A recording of the webinar will be available on request. Please contact: